Himalaya Herbals Evecare Syrup - A Boon For Female Reproductive Health:
Did you know that approximately one out of five women face the problem of polycystic ovarian syndrome in India? Its morbidity rate has spiked up to 20% in recent years. It is just one of the reproductive conditions that flourish and grapple the woman in all forms of life.
The drastic changes in our daily routines, whether it is for our work or for the purpose of the study, have cost us our mental and physical health. Women are among the worst affected when it comes to the changes in lifestyle. The female reproductive system is sensitive to changes in the environment or surroundings, diet, and lifestyle. Even minor changes can lead to deleterious effects.
Some of the common problems that occur in woman nowadays include:
- Endometriosis
- Uterine fibroids
- Interstitial cystitis
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
- Gynecologic cancer
The prevalence and incidence rate of such diseases has increased up to double since the past decade. A major factor to be blamed here is the improper diets that are heavy on junk food, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, stress, and general mental toll. If we don't take strict action, such problems may become life-threatening.
A solution to this modern-day problem comes in two ways. One is the allopathic medicine that comes as a treatment of health conditions, while the other is a natural alternative in the form of Ayurveda. The science of herbal medication is ancient, but it has found its glory once again in recent times due to its immense power of healing even the most complex of health conditions.
A name synonymous with Ayurveda is that of Himalaya. Himalaya Herbals is a well-reputed pharmaceutical company specializing in manufacturing herbal and Ayurvedic products that have helped many in their struggle to achieve sound health. Owing to this dedication to Ayurvedic medicine, Himalaya Herbals has now taken the initiative of improving women's health. To complete this endeavor, they bring you Himalaya Herbals Evecare Syrup.
What is Himalaya Herbals Evecare Syrup?
Himalaya Herbals Evecare Syrup is a herbal tonic that is prepared with extracts from medicinal plants that are responsible for the improvement of female reproductive health. The Ayurvedic formulation is composed of essential plants that contain estrogen and form the phytoestrogen component in the body. They are responsible for maintaining a regular flow of estrogen in the woman's body that acts to regulate their reproductive health and cycle. The product also provides protection against infections in the reproductive tract due to its anti-inflammatory action.

The ingredients of Himalaya Evecare provide multiple physiological properties. They include:

One of the most versatile herbs in the world of Ayurveda, asparagus, or Shatavari is full of health benefits. One of its main functions is to control and regulate the hormonal flow in the female body. It levels the fluctuations that may occur in hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, FSH, or LH. Asparagus is also known to have a propagative effect on women's fertility as it consists of flavonoids and phytosterols.

The extracts from the Ashoka tree are incorporated into the product as it provides natural plant estrogens and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties help in the recovery and healing of the endometrial tissue or lining in the uterus. This is also functional when the endometrial lining is shed at the time of menstruation.
Lodh tree:

Lodh tree or Symplocos racemosa is a well-known herbal extract for its healing properties that promote the fertility and general health of the female reproductive health. It helps culminate reproductive conditions such as excessive menstrual flow or irregular menses, leukorrhea, and several digestive disorders such as diarrhea, bloody stools, and dysentery.
Vasaka or Malabar nut:

Another popular herb of Ayurvedic medicine, Vasaka is a potent analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. It has a good effect on the female reproductive system and provides relief from menstrual cramps or period pain.
The herbal evecare is dedicated to the service of providing relief to women during menstruation or under gynecological conditions that may develop in young women.
- Asoka – Saraca indica – 50 mg
- Dashamoola – 33 mg
- Guduchi – Tinospora cordifolia – 33 mg
- Lodhra – Symplocos racemosa – 33 mg
- Kakamachi – Solanum nigrum – 33 mg
- Punarnava – Boerhaavia diffusa – 32 mg
- Shatavari – Asperagus racemosus – 32 mg
- Narikela – Cocos nucifera – 32 mg
- Ghritakumari – Aloe barbadensis – 32 mg
- Chandana – Santalum album – 25 mg – Sandalwood
- Babbula – Acacia arabica – 25 mg
- Mustaka – Cyperusrotendus – 25 mg
- Anantamoola – Hemidesmus indicus – 25 mg
- Vasaka – Adathoda vasica – 20 mg
- Triphala – Embelica officinalis, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellerica – 20 mg
- Trikatu – Zingiber officinale, Piper longum, Piper nigrum – 20 mg
- Manjista – Rubia cordifolia – 20 mg
- Shalmali – Bombax malabaricum – 12 mg
- Shuddha shilajitu – Asphaltum – 5 mg
Health Benefits:
The herbal health supplement has a prolific effect on women health due to the following effects:
- Antibacterial: Himalaya Evecare syrup has antibacterial action on the female genital tract. It helps build resistance against certain disease-causing pathogens such as bacteria that are notorious for causing many genital diseases.
- Antiseptic: The tonic is also responsible for disinfecting the uterus and other associated reproductive organs that help in the reduction of organisms such as yeast and fungi to further lower the risk of diseases.
- Anti-inflammatory: Himalaya Herbals Evecare Syrup provides ayurvedic extracts such as Vasaka and asparagus that are potent agents for anti-inflammatory action. It provides relief from pain and discomfort of inflammatory processes such as endometritis or cystitis.
- Anti-hemorrhagic: The health supplement reduces blood supply and blood flow during menstruation due to its anti-hemorrhagic properties.
- Diuretic: Another facet that helps Himalaya Herbals Evecare while providing relief in several gynecological conditions is its diuretic effect on the female urinary system. It allows the elimination of toxic or waste products from the body and provides shedding of endometrium in a more relaxing manner.
- Astringent: The tonic also has an astringent effect on women's bodies. This helps in the precipitation of any excessive foreign substances or proteins that may endanger the normal metabolism and function of the uterus.
- Antispasmodic: Himalaya's Evecare is a potent inhibitor of muscular spasms that occur in the uterus during menstruation. It is also responsible for a diastolic effect on reproductive organs.
- Blood flow to the kidney: The health supplement increases the blood supply and circulation of the kidney along with the reproductive system.
- Reduces menstrual tension: Himalaya Herbals Evecare Syrup works to alleviate the symptoms of menstruation in women such as menstrual cramps, excessive blood flow, and pain.
- Stimulates ovarian tissue: The tonic also has control over the uterine and ovarian tissues.
- Improves strength: There is a loss of vigor and vitality during reproductive conditions in women. Himalaya Herbals Evecare is reliable in restoring strength to the body and replenish its energy reserve that develops resistance.
- Deworming action: Evecare helps in reducing the microflora that may be present in the uterus and can become a cause of pathological disease.
- Body condition: As the herbal tonic improves blood flow and reduces excessive blood loss, it helps reduce the general stress and exertion that occurs during menstruation. It rejuvenates the body and increases vitality.

Clinical Uses:
The prime use of Himalaya Evecare is for the treatment of reproductive conditions or menstruation associated problems in women. Its clinical uses are as follows:
- Premenstrual syndrome: Himalaya Herbals Evecare syrup and capsules are important in providing relief to women from the effects of PMS or premenstrual syndrome. The premenstrual syndrome may bring about symptoms such as mood swings, irritable behavior, fatigue, body cramps, and increased discharge. The herbal Evercare is beneficial in alleviating these symptoms and relieve the discomfort that may arise before the start of your period.
- Dysmenorrhea: Dysmenorrhea means irregularity in the menstrual cycle where the interval between one period and the other is non-uniform. Himalaya Herbals Evecare Syrup is useful under such a condition. With ingredients like vasaka, Ashoka, asparagus, and Lodhi extract, the herbal preparation acts as a source of phytoestrogens or plant estrogens in the body. These phytoestrogens build a reserve of estrogen in the reproductive tract that helps in restoring the cyclicity of the menstrual cycle. The product has shown promising results in providing a cyclic flow in the menstrual cycle in the consumers.
- Menstrual disorders: Currently the prevalence of menstrual disorders is at an all-time high. The most common menstrual disorders include irregular or excessive blood flow, menstrual cramps, irregular periods, weight gain, and dullness. Himalaya Herbals Evecare is very effective in alleviating such symptoms as it has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps establish a regular cycle and improve uterine functions.
- Anemia: There can be extreme blood loss during some menstrual episodes. Evecare is a good remedy for this problem because it has the antihemorrhagic property that lowers blood loss. It also improves blood circulation to tissues and muscles that decreases the severity of anemia in young women.
- Metrorrhagia: This phenomenon is also known as spotting. Spotting is not a normal part of the menstrual cycle and may be a sign of disease or inefficient physiology. Himalaya Herbals Evecare syrup helps in reducing the incidence of spotting during menstruation. It also helps in improving the health of the uterine lining.
- Menstrual irregulating condition: PCOS causes irregular menstrual cycles. Himalaya Evecare helps in establishing a healthy supply of estrogen in the body. Estrogen helps in maintaining proper ovulation and menstrual cycle. Thus, Evecare helps in regulating the disturbed menstrual cycle.
- Uterine infections: As discussed above, Himalaya Herbals Evecare has anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, it can be used in the treatment of inflammation of the uterus or reproductive tract. It helps in reducing the initial signs of inflammation and its antibacterial properties help prevent the reproductive tract from secondary bacterial infections.
- As immunity booster: An uncommon effect displayed by Himalaya Herbals Evecare Syrup is its immunomodulating property. It helps in increasing the immunity of the consumer and helps them fight infections or diseases.
- Seasonal diseases: Certain gynecological conditions flare up during particular seasons monsoon being the most prominent one. The rise in humidity during the monsoon season increases the risk of yeast or fungal infections. These can be deteriorating on women's health. Evecare is useful in providing security in such infections due to its property of destroying microflora that may proliferate during monsoon seasons and humid climate.
Himalaya Herbals Evecare Syrup ensures complete uterine care. It helps in the prevention of diseases and infections in the female genital system. It is a genius health supplement for women that caters to the all-around operation of the reproductive system and also regulates the cyclicity of menstruation. It is a natural alternative of improving several gynecological conditions as opposed to the other allopathic medications that the doctors put women on that do more damage than repair. This herbal tonic is nothing less than a revolution in the world of women's reproductive health as it provides a miraculous recovery from complex conditions.
- 5 ml to 10 ml two times in a day or as suggested by the doctor.