The pollutants and sweat may clog your skin pores, leading to acnes and pimples. You will often find people carrying spray bottles with gulab jal to spritz and add a subtle skin glow. Patanjali Divya Gulab Jal is suitable for all skin types. The rose water can be used by both men and women.
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Scared of the period days? It is often difficult to manage the pain, fatigue and weakness you experience during those 5 days of the month with the modem and hectic lifestyle. Looking for an energetic and active life throughout the month? One such organic decoction is the Ashokarishta. This is an Ayurvedic tonic that can be extremely beneficial to women for gynaecological disorders and also in the difficult days of the month.
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Patanjali Divya Vatari Churna is an age-old formulation for joint and muscle problems. The brand uses traditional Ayurvedic formulation to prepare this organic and preservative free supplement.
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Patanjali Chyawanprabha (sugar-free) is an Ayurvedic product that helps in boosting immunity by delivering powerful natural and medicinal herbs into the body systems that rejuvenate the immune systems and increase the vitality of organs.
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Suffering from aggravated Vata dosha? Well, if you suffer from migraines and headaches regularly, then this is due to imbalance in the Vata dosha. Patanjali Divya brings to you the goodness of almond oil in the form of Roghan Badam Shirin.
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Patanjali has come up with Divya Chitrakadi Vati to ease out digestive problems. This ancient Ayurvedic recipe gets its name from the Sanskrit word, ‘Chitrakadi,’ meaning fire or agni. Ayurevdic textbooks describe this as a remedy for Deepana (enhanced stomach fire), Pachana (for digestion) and Rochana (improve appetite).
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Patanjali Mahatriphaladi Ghrit is known for its anti-bacterial properties. For this reason, regular consumption of the ghee can treat infections. The ghee is also known to have great healing properties. It acts as a moisturizing agent. The herbal ghee works as a rejuvenator and soothes the eyes. For this reason, this ghee functions as an eye drop and also offers relief from eye irritation and dryness.
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Suffering from acne, pimples or blemishes? Well, you are not the only one. There are hundreds of people around the world who suffer from these kind of skin problems. Khadirarishth/ Khadirarishtam heals you from within and hence the skin glow you achieve is not temporary.
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If you are looking for a long term relief from swelling and pain in muscles, bone marrow and joints, then Ayurveda may be your best option. Patanjali Yograj Guggul is one of the commonly used supplements in arthritis. While aged people can experience the best benefits of the potent, individuals of all ages can use this supplement to get relief from swelling and pain caused due to joint disorders.
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Patanjali Advanced Dant Kanti Manjan is one such Ayurvedic recipes for ultimate dental health. This dant manjan may be used by people of all genders and age. It is enriched with the goodness of 26 herbs.
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