Amazing Health Benefits of Copper Water Bottle

Everything pure and original comes from nature’s lap. And this time it is a mineral which is found abundantly in nature, known as Copper. There is an ancient evidence which suggests that mankind has been using copper since 11,0000 years. Usage of copper vessels was in vogue in olden days. Good old Ayurveda too advocates the use of copper for its extremely beneficial health properties. Times might have changed, but not the usage of copper. We may not be using the copper vessels any longer but we certainly use unique yet trendy copper bottles. These are in vogue nowadays. Drinking water from them comes with lot of benefits. In fact the water kept in copper water bottle is also called ‘Tamra Jal’, as it is infused with the goodness of copper which is also known as ‘Tamra’.

Amazing Health Benefits of Copper Water Bottle

Copper Water Bottle - A Boon in Today's Time

Everything pure and original comes from nature’s lap. And this time it is a mineral which is found abundantly in nature, known as Copper. There is an ancient evidence which suggests that mankind has been using copper since 11,0000 years. Usage of copper vessels was in vogue in olden days. Good old Ayurveda too advocates the use of copper for its extremely beneficial health properties. Times might have changed, but not the usage of copper. We may not be using the copper vessels any longer but we certainly use unique yet trendy copper bottles. These are in vogue nowadays. Drinking water from them comes with lot of benefits. In fact the water kept in copper water bottle is also called ‘Tamra Jal’, as it is infused with the goodness of copper which is also known as ‘Tamra’.

Copper Water Bottles, Jugs and glasses

They are durable, aesthetically designed, light, useful in our day-to-day life and most importantly they incorporate the goodness of copper with water which has to be consumed very frequently to keep our body hydrated. When such a simple product can give us multitude of health benefits then it is definitely some worth and thought. 

Copper Water Bottle for a Good Gut:

Copper water bottles work wonders on our digestive system. Drinking water from copper water bottle benefits our stomach in so many ways. It flushes out the toxins and increases the absorption of nutrients from the food we eat. It aids digestion by allowing smoother movement of food. This in turn keeps our gut healthy. It also prevents bloating of stomach or any stomach related ailments.

Strong Immune means Water with Goodness of Copper:

Copper helps in building a strong immune system. It has amazing anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties hence preventing us from recurring stomach infections. Goodness of copper when mixed with water and stored in a copper water bottle/ Copper water jug will automatically help in removing the threat of bacterial contamination thus increasing the qualities of plain water and making it all the more effective. 

Lose Weight with Copper Water Bottles:

Copper is the easiest and quickest way to reduce weight. Wondering how can copper water bottle aid in weight loss? The answer is very simple. The water from copper water bottle when taken regularly will break down the fats and flush them out of your body. No doubt, this needs to be combined with proper healthy diet and exercise to see more effectiveness. For best results, drink ‘tamra jal’ or water stored in a copper bottle overnight as the first thing in the morning. Results will definitely show up for all to see!  

Flawless Skin and Copper – an Ancient Success Formula:

A slim and well-maintained body calls for a flawless, age-defying skin as well. Copper helps in preventing appearance of the fine lines and slows ageing. Copper vessels are loaded with anti-oxidants which help in production of new skin cells and fight off free radicals. The water consumed from copper water bottles keeps the skin healthy, hydrated, fresh and glowing. This is an ancient mantra for flawless skin too. 

Copper for Arthritis and Joints Pain:

Copper helps in fighting arthritis and inflamed joints pain caused by arthritis i.e.rheumatoid arthritis. This is a common problem which occurs due to age and weakening of the bones. Copper strengthens the bones and immune system. One can get these benefits by drinking water stored in copper bottles regularly. One should avoid refrigerated or cold water in such a case as that worsens the joints pain. Water from a copper water bottle is the best and safest alternative for such people suffering from any type of joints pain. 

Charge Water Positively by Storing in Copper Water Bottles:

According to the oldest form of science i.e. Ayurveda, there are three doshas in our body namely Vata, pitta, and Kapha and if these doshas are balanced, then we can always live hale and hearty. Water stored in a copper water bottle has the ability to balance all these doshas by positively and effectively charging the water. It purifies the water removing all harmful bacteria from it. Hence undoubtedly it’s a must in our lives!

While the product is of great utility, do not forget that it needs its own care to become a lifelong utility item of our home. It is important to keep water bottle clean always for its effectiveness however one should know the right method of cleaning it as it is not cleaned like regular steel and glass items. 

To clean a copper water bottle from inside, you need to add a dash of half lemon and one tablespoon of salt and mix this with half a cup of water. Close the lid and shake the mixture just as you would shake any juice. Pour out this mixture and rinse the bottle with normal water and it is ready to be used again.

Seeing its worth, one can also choose copper water bottle for gifting purpose. This way you can show care for your loved ones, while making your gift item unique. All in all, copper water bottle is one thing worthy to spend money on. The benefits are so many that one cannot be double-minded while purchasing it.


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