Top 10 Protein Powders for Health and Wellness

Body produces enough energy out of proteins to maintain the sustainable energy to fulfil our daily activities. No matter what you consume, ultimately the body searches for the amount of protein to process the functioning of the body out of it. We must include protein rich food in our daily diet.
Protein Powders

Protein Powder: Why and How To Use it:

Proteins are a prominent part and are like supporting blocks of bones, joints, muscles, skin, and other healthy functioning organs. The body produces enough energy out of low-calorie protein powders to maintain the sustainable energy to fulfil our daily activities. No matter what you consume, ultimately the body searches for the amount of protein to process the functioning of the body out of it. We must include protein rich food in our daily diet. Some of the foods and fruits are protein powerhouses : chia seeds, sprouts, quinoa, oats, peanuts, potatoes, spinach, broccoli, seafood, oranges, bananas, blackberries, peaches, kiwi, apricots, guavas etc. Including Sufficient amount of these foods in your daily diet one or other way can inhibit protein deficiency to some extent. For those who are particular about some foods, and are not so a fan of protein based dishes, can have an alternative source of protein through Top Protein powders.

Protein Powders

Protein powders are an excellent way of providing protein content to the body, there are ample numbers of herbal protein powders in the market. If you are in perplexity and not sure which protein powder is the best among thousands of them. This blog gives you an insight into some of the best protein powders from the best brands online. An ideal healthiest protein powders has certain qualities that need to be must checked before purchasing, it must contain no preservatives, no added sugar, no artificial ingredients, color, flavor, safety and quality tested, manufactured with extensive research and development also with scientifically proven herbs and ingredients, and should be preferably suggestable by health experts.

Who Can Consume Protein Powders:

If you are a weight watcher then this is a solution for you to include in your diet, to curb your cravings and to feel yourself fuller. Many athletes, sports enthusiasts, actors, and people of several occupations, both men and women equally prefer and include best vegan protein powders shakes to support with enough energy to their body daily activities. You can use protein powders for weight gain purpose also. 

How Much Protein Do You Actually Need:

  • Women need 46 grams of protein per day 
  • Men need 56 grams of protein per day
  • Pregnant Woman need 71 grams of protein per day
  • Children between the ages of 4 to 8 need 19 grams of protein per day
  • Children between the ages of 8 to 14 and above need 34 grams of protein per day

Kinds of Proteins Powders:

Egg, Dairy, cheese based Protein Powders:

Whey: Whey proteins are a complete form of proteins, enriched with all kinds of amino acids and is the most popularly used protein as it is easily adopted and absorbed  by the body. It is the best protein powder for men and women.

Egg Protein Powder: Protein powder made of egg-white which has ample amount of protein content and essential amino acids. It helps in recovering muscle health and strength

Collagen Protein Powder: Collagen protein powder is a best bet for skin health, it also contributes to muscle health and helps improve digestive health

Vegan or Plant-based Protein Powders:

Soy : For those who aren’t a fan of dairy products, you can prefer soy protein over whey to induce enough protein to the body

Pea: Pea protein is an excellent source of protein for vegans, they are rich in amino acid arginine, pea protein can be preferred as an alternative source for soy and whey protein

Casein: Casein is rich in amino acids and glutamine, which helps in improving physical strength and is easily absorbed by the body

Hemp: Hemp proteins are vegan based and are complete proteins. It is rich in amino acids and essential fatty acids

Rice: Rice protein is made out of brown rice and is a complete protein powder, which has ample amino acids and helps in reducing body fats

Protein Powder Benefits:

Physical Strength: Protein shakes can help improve body’s physical fitness, provides instant energy to stay active, and helps in tightening bones and muscles

Mental Health: Brain gains sufficient amount of proteins through protein shakes and in turn produces healthy circulation of blood balancing and maintaining mental health

Lose Weigh: Proteins makes our tummy fuller and asks for no more extra intake of food yet provides energy to balance the body 's immune system, helps in curbing the cravings for cholesterol and fat soluble foods. 

Children's Health: Children make it difficult to feed them, because they don't tend to eat everything we serve. It's a super effective and healthy way to provide protein to them through shakes.

Pregnant Care: Pregnant women needs to be more conscious about their diet, they need to filter what they serve themselves, proteins are a best part for their and their baby’s health, protein powders may help improve the quality of their breastfeeding 

Hormonal Balance: Proteins helps body in producing enough of enzymes and thereby tends to have an excellent hormonal balance

Skin & Hair Health: Protein powders that include keratin, elastin and collagen help improve skin health and hair health, evading all skin and hair problems inside out.

The Best Protein Powders That Includes Into Your Diet Plan:

Oziva Protein Powder: Oziva Protein Powder is the best vegan protein powder for women and men. It is made of ayurvedic herbal ingredients, and whey protein and is completely vegan( plant-based). To be fit every single day opt for this nutrient-rich protein powder.

Andme Protein Powder: Unique formulation of 21 vitamins and minerals, amino acids, ayurvedic herbs, natural goodness of plant-based proteins infused andme protein diet is the best protein powder for women and men of all age groups and this protein powder is easily absorbed by the body.

Herbalife Protein Powder: Boost your energy in a healthy yet tasty way, bring home herbalife protein shake, it's every vegan lover's obsession as it's 100 percent vegetable protein powder. Observe your body fitness after the consumption of this protein powder we are sure you must be challenging the energy levels in your body and will be super fit. Reach your fitness goals and facilitate your nutritional needs.

Ensure Protein Powder: Enhance the nutrient balance with Ensure Protein powder goodness. Fill the space where you considered yourself lacking or undernutrition. Maintain an active lifestyle and stay fit. Prevent yourself from getting attracted to ailments, by giving the body it needs to heal by itself and to improve its defensive mechanism.

Oye Health Protein Powder: Sugar-free, post and pre-workout protein powder for your overall wellness and fitness. Low carbs and fat, enriched with essential proteins,  vitamins, and minerals. Strengthens muscles and is the best bet for those who want to build tight muscles.

Patanjali Protein Powder: Patanjali products need no introduction, it seems everyone's go-to ayurvedic solution, a protein powder extremely nourishing made out of pure organic raw herbal ingredients. A homogenized blend delivers the highest protein into the body. Strongly recommend this natural treasure of proteins.

Himalaya Protein Powder: Fetch Himalaya protein powder which happens to be a blend of Ashwagandha, hadjod, and pomegranate to improve muscle metabolism, infuse amino acids into the body to benefit to the maximum, and also result in healthy weight gain.

Inlife Protein Powder: Blend of green tea extracts, grape seed extracts, ashwagandha, turmeric, and much more potent ingredients with no gluten, dairy-free protein powder. Infused nearly 24grams of protein in every bottle or one serving bottle of Inlife protein powder.

Himalaya Organics Protein Powder: Manage overall nutrient balance in your body with Himalaya organic protein powder suitable formulation for both men and women. Sustainable best protein powders for weight loss by using the proper diet. Nourishes skin and hair, and is a great way to alert mental health care simultaneously physical healing and caring.

Pediasure Protein Powder: Fulfill baby Tummy with yummy protein shakes every day, no matter how they refuse to take other foods, it is said that 80 percent of children enjoy having protein shakes because of the taste of its delicious natural flavor and texture.  Give your child the necessary micronutrients and micronutrients with Pediasure complete protein powder for kids which is easily absorbed and digestible for them.

Protein Powders FAQ’s:

1. What is the best protein powder?

Whey protein powder is the best protein powder with ample amino acids, is highly nutritional, and is the best go-to protein shake option for both men and women.

2. Are there any chances of side effects with Protein powder consumption?

Proteins are the building blocks of the body's essential micronutrients and are good for adults and children of any age. However, exceeding the dose might cause side effects. Intake as per instructions.

3. Do proteins increase weight?

When it comes to weight management, there are two types of proteins, one is to lean muscle fat, the other one is to improve healthy fat, choose according to your need. However micronutrients never make you put on weight.

4. Can we drink Protein shakes daily?

To help your body with nutritional need, drink once or twice a day and moderation never go wrong with safety.

5. How to use protein powder?

Mix two or three spoonfuls of protein powder with milk or with your favourite beverage, stir thoroughly and consume. Dosage as per the instructions.