Patanjali Giloy Kwath - Ingredients, Health Benefits, Usage

Are you the health freak who wants to take your health game a notch higher? Your workout routine and lifestyle definitely leave an impact on your health but what goes into your body is pivotal. It is important to detoxify your body at frequent intervals. That is when Patanjali Giloy Kwath comes into the picture. Not only detoxification but Giloy has a numerous health benefits that all of us need to know. Here are a few of them.
Patanjali Giloy Kwath

Some Magical Benefits of Patanjali Giloy Kwath You Need to know:

Of late, people across the globe have recognized the health benefits of various ayurvedic herbs. One such powerful and effective herb is Giloy. Giloy is renowned for its medicinal properties and has been in use in Ayurveda. For long now, Giloy is being used in modern medicines as well. Giloy and its supplements are popular among the masses for boosting immunity and metabolism of the body.

Are you the health freak who wants to take your health game a notch higher? Your workout routine and lifestyle definitely leave an impact on your health but what goes into your body is pivotal. It is important to detoxify your body at frequent intervals. That is when Patanjali Giloy Kwath comes into the picture. Not only detoxification but Giloy has a numerous health benefits that all of us need to know. Here are a few of them.

Patanjali Giloy Kwath


Giloy Kwath is a coarse powder of Giloy or Guduchi. It is scientifically termed as Tinospora Cordifolia. It is 100% made up of Extract from the stems of Giloy.

Giloy Kwath Ingredients

Health Benefit Of Patanjali Giloy Kwath:

Boosts Immunity

Immunity is the key to fight diseases. Giloy Kwath is known for boosting immunity. Various antioxidants present in Patanjali Giloy kwath helps in purifying the blood and removing toxins from the body. Giloy powder also helps in fighting disease-causing bacteria. It helps in maintaining the health of the liver and kidneys in the human body. In all, Giloy kwath helps in keeping diseases at bay.

Improves Digestion

Patanjali Giloy Kwath also helps in strengthening and improving the functioning of the digestive system.  Efficient functioning of the digestive system is pivotal for the body because a healthy digestive system contributes to the overall health of the body. Patanjali Giloy Kwath products also help with the bowel-related issues.

Giloy Kwath Benefits

Treating Diabetes

Diabetes, which is a major problem all across the globe leads to a series of health complications. Patanjali Giloy Kwath works wonders in treating type-2 diabetes. By acting as a hypoglycemic agent, it can lower blood sugar levels in the body.

Helps in Reducing Stress

Mental health plays a significant role in the overall functioning of the body and one should not neglect even the slightest of anxiety and stress-related disorders in the body. Patanjali Giloy kwath has been used as an adaptogenic herb for a long time. It helps in reducing stress levels and anxiety in the body.

Fight Against Chronic Fever

Patanjali Giloy Kwath can be used to relieve fever, cold, cough, and other dangerous diseases such as malaria, swine flu, etc. It can also help in increasing platelets count in the body during dengue.


Ensure that the following directives are followed while consuming the product.

  • 5mg of the Patanjali Giloy kwath is mixed with 400ml water.
  • The solution is boiled till it comes down to 100ml.
  • It is the filtered and consumed 2 times in a day.
  • Have the drink before breakfast and before dinner.
  • If not suffering from high blood sugar levels, mix some honey with it.
  • It can be consumed for long durations. A gap should be given in between avoid any side effects.
  • Make sure that a doctor is consulted before the medicine is consumed.
  • Diabetic individuals and patients with auto-immune disorders should also consult physicians.

Patanjali Giloy Kwath FAQs:

1. What is the shelf life of Patanjali Giloy Kwath?

Use this Patanjali Giloy Kwath before 24 months from the date of manufacturing.

2. What is Patanjali Giloy Kwath?

Divya Giloy Kwath brings to you the goodness of giloy which treats fevers from viral infections (dengue, chikungunya, etc.) and helps you recover holistically. Giloy cures cold and weakness due to low platelet count.

3. Can we eat giloy daily?

There are no serious side-effects of consuming Giloy since it is a natural and safe herbal remedy. However, in some cases - the use of Giloy can cause constipation and lower blood sugar levels. So if you are diabetic and have been consuming Giloy on a long-term basis, monitor your blood sugar levels regularly.

4. Are there any side effects of using Patanjali Giloy Kwath?

No studies have proved any Giloy Kwath side effects as of now. However, it is advisable to seek consultation from a medical practitioner if you are planning to use Giloy kwath for a long period of time. Expert advice is highly recommended for consuming Giloy kwath during pregnancy and lactation periods.

5. Is the consumption of Patanjali Giloy kwath safe for kids?

Yes, consumption of Giloy kwath is safe for kids but such consumption must be for a short period of time i.e for a specific cause. For example, Giloy can be given to kids for managing the loss of appetite, curing fever, stomach problems, loss of general debility, etc.

6. Is it safe to consume Patanjali Giloy Kwath with homeopathic medicines?

YYes, one can safely consume Patanjali Giloy Kwath with homeopathic medicines. Giloy kwath is not known to react with homeopathic medicines. So, homeopathy and Giloy can be consumed side by side without any significant health impacts.

7. Can one consume Divya Giloy Kwath with dietary supplements?

Yes, generally Giloy kwath goes well with almost all dietary supplements such as multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids, etc. So, one can safely consume this product with dietary supplements. However, it is advisable to seek an opinion from your medical practitioner if you are consuming more than one dietary supplement per day.

8. Is it safe to consume Patanjali Giloy Kwath with allopathic medicines?

There are chances that certain ayurvedic herbs might interact with allopathic medicines. So, seeking medical advice is a must in this case. If your doctor approves of consuming this product with allopathic medicines, it is advisable to keep a gap of at least 30 minutes between the two.

9. Is Divya Giloy kwath useful in treating PCOS?

There is no scientific evidence as of now to prove that consumption of Giloy kwath can help in curing the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). However, the consumption of Giloy can improve the metabolism and immunity of people diagnosed with PCOS.

10. Does Patanjali Giloy Kwath increase platelets?

Yes, both modern science experts and ayurvedic experts have agreed to the fact that consumption of Giloy kwath helps in increasing the rate of platelet formation in the body. The antioxidants and immunomodulatory properties of phytochemical constituents present in Giloy help increase the platelet count in the body.

11. How does the consumption of Patanjali Giloy kwath impact the skin of an individual?

According to Ayurveda practitioners, Giloy kwath can help in reducing skin problems such as inflammation, dryness, irritation and itching on the skin. So, it contributes to healthy and glowing skin. Giloy also has the properties of healing wounds. This is due to the presence of steroids, glycosides, etc. Giloy can also help in managing the insect and snake bites.

12. Can Patanjali Giloy Kwath help in reducing body weight?

While there are no scientific studies that prove that consumption of Giloy kwath helps in weight loss but, Ayurveda suggests that Giloy boosts the metabolism and immunity of an individual so, it can indirectly contribute to weight loss. Giloy Kwath also helps in removing the toxins from the body that get accumulated in our body leading to health issues.

13. Can Patanjali Giloy Kwath cure arthritis?

Giloy Kwath helps in the management of arthritis by reducing the inflammation. It also fosters the process of bone formation in the body. Divya Giloy Kwath also tends to prevent bone and cartilage damage.

14. Can individuals with autoimmune disorders consume Patanjali Giloy Kwath?

For people with autoimmune disorders, it is advisable to seek medical advice for the consumption of Patanjali Giloy Kwath. Giloy helps in boosting immunity so, people with autoimmune disorders might experience an over-stimulated immune system.

Disclaimer: One must consult a health practitioner before consuming or using this product.


Dr. Manu Chandra @ Thu, Mar 25, 21

Hi K naskar,

Yes, you can take Giloy juice with Divya Swasari Kawth together.

Dr. Manu Chandra
BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine, and Surgery)
Ayurvedic Neuro specialist
Legal Disclaimer: All consumables must be taken after consulting with the primary care physician

K naskar @ Thu, Mar 25, 21

Can I take giloy juice with divya swasari kath together