Amazing Health Benefits of Copper Water Bottle
Amazing Health Benefits of Copper Water Bottle

Everything pure and original comes from nature’s lap. And this time it is a mineral which is found abundantly in nature, known as Copper. There is an ancient evidence which suggests that mankind has been using copper since 11,0000 years. Usage of copper vessels was in vogue in olden days. Good old Ayurveda too advocates the use of copper for its extremely beneficial health properties. Times might have changed, but not the usage of copper. We may not be using the copper vessels any longer but we certainly use unique yet trendy copper bottles. These are in vogue nowadays. Drinking water from them comes with lot of benefits. In fact the water kept in copper water bottle is also called ‘Tamra Jal’, as it is infused with the goodness of copper which is also known as ‘Tamra’.

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