Kottakkal Arya Vaidyasala Manasamitra Vatakam - Ingredients, Composition, Properties, Health Benefits, Usage, Tips

Manasamitra Vatakam is an ancient Ayurvedic formula for the treatment of all types of psychiatric conditions. It is made up of 73 different ingredients. To such people, it should come as no surprise that Manasamitra Vatakam, the Indian Ayurvedic medicine.
Kottakkal Arya Vaidyasala Manasamitra Vatakam - Ingredients, Composition, Properties, Health Benefits, Usage, Tips

Everything you need to know about Manasamitra VatakamĀ 

Anxiety and depression are the major mental issues that many people face in today's tenacious fast-paced lifestyle. Wearing a mask can hide the issue, but it will not solve it. Being at peace with oneself is far more important than physical health because, unlike physical wellness, mental health is intangible, making it difficult to explain the turmoil of depression. Manasamitra vatakam is a potent Ayurvedic formulation containing ingredients known to aid in treating psychiatric issues, mental fatigue, and depression. The name Manasamitra in the term "Manasamitra Vatakam" translates to "mind's friend."

Kottakkal Arya Vaidyasala - Manasamitra Vatakam :

Manasamitra Vatakam is an ancient Ayurvedic formula for the treatment of all types of psychiatric conditions. It is made up of 73 different ingredients. Indians are generally regarded as a group that does not place a high value on mental health. To such people, it should come as no surprise that Manasamitra Vatakam, the Indian Ayurvedic medicine, maybe the oldest existing formulation for mental disorders, is based on multiple scientific pieces of evidence. Manasamitra Vatakam is recommended for a variety of ailments. It is used to boost intelligence and memory and also used to treat speech disorders. Other major indications include Schizophrenia, epilepsy, depression, psychosis, and even relief from poison. Many studies have been established to examine the effectiveness of Manasamitra Vataka. Today, there is scientific research-based evidence to support the majority of the traditional indications for this medicine.

Kottakkal Arya Vaidyasala - Manasamitra Vatakam

What are the Ingredients in Manasamitra Vataka :

The Manasamitra Vatakam contains the following Ingredients they are Bala, Nagabala, Bilva, Prishniparni, Pravalapishti, TamrachudaPadika, MrigashringaBhasma, Stanya, Pushkaramoola, Vacha, Madhuka, Chandana, Shankhapushpi, Twak, LohaBhasma, Arkaraga, Plava, Swarna Bhasma, Magadhi, Vishala, Aileya, Nirgundi, Mukta Pishti, Rasna, Somavalli, Jivaka, Bhadra, Kakoli, Brihati, KshiraKakoli, Shravani, Mahashravani, RajataBhasma, Gojihva, Kritamala, Parushaka, Haritaki, Bhunimba, Rishabhaka, Raktachandana, Shilajatu, Kasturi, Vibhitaki, Amalaki, Amruta, Shweta and Krishnasariva, Jivanti, Somavalli, Padmakeshara, Ashwagandha, Nisha, Usheera, Draksha, Yashti, Vriddhi, riddhi, Durva, Hamsapadi, Lavanga, Tulasi, Kumkuma, keasara, katapakam , ela, bala, Bilwa, Prishnaparni, Sankhapushpi, Kukundara, Pushkarmoola, Shweta chandan, Rakta Chandan, Pippali, and Karpura.

Health benefits contained in Manasamitra Vataka :

Manasamitra Vataka is an ancient traditional Ayurvedic medicine commonly used to treat depression, stress, and psychosis. This Manasamitra Vataka medicine is made from a combination of 73 different herbs. And it is extremely effective in treating a wide range of mental problems. It is also beneficial in improving brain functions, memory, and concentration and in the treatment of diseases such as autism. Manasamitra gulika is a well-balanced formula that works on all Doshas. As a result, it can be taken without regard for body type or Dosha analysis. It can also be utilized as a brain tonic by healthy people, providing the following

Manasamitra Vatakam benefits:Ā 


One of the serious causes of anxiety and sleep disorders is stress. The strenuous lifestyle, eating habits, work-life balance, and other factors have made life more stressful than ever before. Manasamitra Vataka is an excellent adaptogen. Its antioxidant valuables help to reduce oxidative stress, calm the mind, and promote good sleep. It is used to treat all types of mental illnesses, from mild mental stress to major depression.

Mental Fatigue:

Manasamitra Vatakam has a calming effect on the brain. Several ingredients in it improve blood circulation and oxygen levels in the bloodstream, which aids in improving oxygen and nutrient supply to brain cells. It also tones the nerves, strengthens the brain, increases stamina at work, and reduces fatigue. Many people are exhausted after a short period of mental work. They begin to perceive tasks to be much more difficult, errors increase, and attentiveness decreases. The students who study late at night will experience the same thing. In such cases, Manasamitra Vataka is extremely beneficial. It improves attentiveness, concentration, alertness, and information recall.


Manasamitra Vatakam has anxiolytic properties that help to reduce anxiety levels and prevent the recurrence of anxiety disorders. It alleviates restlessness, fatigue, and nervousness. This powerful formula works by regulating the heartbeat, relaxing the mind, and inducing sound sleep. When taken for an extended period, it provides complete relief from generalized anxiety disorder and depression.


Manasamitra Vatakam treats almost every underlying cause of insomnia that is related to the mind and brain. It soothes the agitated Vata and induces sleep. It aid to relieve stress, depression, and anxiety which calms the mind and induces a sense of well-being and relaxation, which aids in improving sleep quality and reducing sleep disturbances. Insomnia may be caused by other factors, which should be addressed in addition to using this medication. It is also beneficial for those who feel drained after waking up in the morning. It contains various ingredients that boost energy and improve mood, so use Manasamitra vatakam for sleep.

Enhances Cognitive Abilities:

Adaptogen in nature improves the body's ability to deal with stress and anxiety. Neurons are protected from free radical damage by this compound. Stimulates neurotransmitter production and controls the production of hormones. Thus, it improves mental focus, alertness, and receptivity.


Manasamitra Vatak works wonders in the treatment of depression and is highly recommended for depression management. It promotes positivity, induces calmness, provides mental peace, clears negative energies from the mind, and has neuroprotective properties.

Increases Metabolic Rate:

It has a carminative reflection on the body. Carbohydrates and proteins are split down into simpler compounds, so it cleanses the liver and kidneys. It relaxes the intestinal muscles. Constipation becomes more regular.

Medicinal Properties:

This medicine's outcome and efficacy are promising. When taken for an extended period, it can provide complete relief from generalized anxiety disorder and depression. Manasmitra Vati has powerful therapeutic properties for the mind and brain. It enhances the overall functioning of the nervous system and has the following medicinal properties, which are listed below.

  • Anxiolytic
  • Antistress
  • Antidepressant
  • Neuroprotective
  • Anticonvulsant
  • Adaptogenic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidant
  • Rejuvenative nervine tonic
  • Neuroprotective
  • Mild antihypertensive
  • Anti dementia
  • Memory enhancer

How to Use:

Tablets can be taken in the prescribed dose. Internally, pills should be mixed with lukewarm water or any other prescribed Drava dravya or as directed by the physician.Ā 

When Manasamitra Vatakam is used?

  • It is used to treat depression and psychosis in Ayurvedic medicine.
  • It is used in children with diseases such as autism to improve brain functions, memory, and concentration.
  • It is used to treat seizures, epilepsy, and manic episodes.
  • It is also used in the treatment of poisons.

Dosage of Manasamitra Vatakam :

Manasamitra Vati medication should not be taken orally. It would help if you only used it under medical supervision. Contact an ayurvedic physician for a customized dosage based on the patient's tridosas. It is generally recommended to take after food, twice a day, with milk. It differs from person to person, and an overdose can be fatal. Consult your ayurvedic physician before taking this medication.

  • Depending on the condition being treated, the recommended dosage is one tablet once, twice, or three times per day.
  • children should take one tablet of 125 mg
  • adults should take 1 to 2 tablets of 125 to 250 mg
  • It should be taken with milk, tender coconut water, or Saraswatharishtam, or as directed by your doctor.
  • You may take this medication for up to 6 months.
  • Alternatively, follow a doctor's instructions.

Final Thoughts :Ā 

Manasamitra Vatika is an ayurvedic formulation made from highly effective herbs. This herbal formulation is extremely effective in treating mental illnesses and disorders. Manasamitram comes as an Ayurvedic tablet used to improve intelligence, speech problems, and other psychiatric conditions. This medicine relies upon Kerala Ayurvedic principles. Thus, you can buy this product to relieve psychiatric conditions, symptoms and conditions and lead a happy life.

Manasamitra Vatakam FAQs:

1. What will happen if I take it in high dosage?

Several ingredients are present in Manasamitra tablets. Your doctor may have recommended a high dosage based on your current health situation. Over dosage has no adverse effects in general, but individuals with PITTA body types or a history of gastritis may experience heartburn or a burning sensation. Long-term use of high-dose Manasamitra Vatakam Tablets is not advised. You should consult your doctor about reducing the dosage from time to time.

2. I am a student who struggles with memory and concentration. Can I continue to use Manasamitra Vatakam Tablets regularly? Does it aid in the improvement of my memory and concentration? What should the dosage be?

Yes, under the supervision of an ayurvedic physician, Manasamitra Vatakam Tablets can be taken regularly for a maximum of 6 months. Yes, it will aid in the improvement of your memory, attention, and concentration. The dosage should be the same as listed in the dosage section of this article. In most cases, one Manasamitra tablet twice daily is sufficient.

3. What is the maximum safe dose of manasamitra?

In modern ayurvedic practice, the maximum recommended dosage for Manasamitra Vati is around 500 mg per day. It can, however, be taken in higher doses under medical supervision, depending on the health condition.

4. Can Manasamitra tablets help with Schizophrenia?

Ayurvedic treatment can help in Schizophrenia if it is decided based on Dosha dominance and an in-depth Dosha Analysis. Tablets of Manasamitra can be used as supplements to modern medications. Formulations such as Manasamitra Vati, Saraswatarishta, and Vachadi Churna, among others, are also beneficial. Still, an in-depth analysis of Dosha involvement can aid in determining the most accurate and effective therapy, which can vary from person to person.


Dr. Manu Chandra @ Sun, Jul 07, 24

Hi Monish,

Yes, you can take Manasamithra Vatakam to be taken with Ashwagandha Choornam.

Dr. Manu Chandra
BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine, and Surgery)
Ayurvedic Neuro specialist
Legal Disclaimer: All consumables must be taken after consulting with the primary care physician

Monish @ Sun, Jul 07, 24

Can manasamithra vatakam be taken with ashwagandha choornam?

Anjani Kakumanu @ Sun, Jun 30, 24

Hi Goma,

Children should take one tablet of 125 mg
Adults should take 1 to 2 tablets of 125 to 250 mg

Distacart Happiness Team

Goma @ Sun, Jun 30, 24

What is the dosage of this particular one?

Dr. Manu Chandra @ Thu, Feb 15, 24

Hi Raj Kumar,

Yes, you can take Manasamitra Vatakam. Take this with water or milk.

Dr. Manu Chandra
BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine, and Surgery)
Ayurvedic Neuro specialist
Legal Disclaimer: All consumables must be taken after consulting with the primary care physician

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